Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Month In, Month Out

I saw the Magna Carta today.

I also learnt that there are more than one - dozens of the things, actually, since it was issued several times, and each time one was sent to every county. Frankly, I'm surprised I haven't tripped over one before. Anyway, the Bodleian is currently displaying some of them, and I went along to have a look - was quite a surreal experience, but very fun and interesting. Our Vicar would be proud.

That opening sentence was quite unusual - which leads me to remark; Danielle had a good idea the other day, well I think she may have borrowed the idea, but it is good nonetheless. The idea is that you type out the first sentence from the first day/entry of each month, on your blog, and thus present a progress of the year. Just one sentence per month. Well, I only started in April, but I'm going to count the 10th April as a 'first day'.

April - Why, hello there.

May -
May 1st is coming to an end in England, and thus comes the close of Magdalen's May Day.

June -
We've all heard about the difficulties authors have with their second books - especially if these authors have had phenomenal success with their first books.

July -
I don't read Science Fiction, but I think it's true to say that a lot of it is about making humans.

August -
I'm back, I'm back!

September -
This year has been one of lengthy absences in the world of Stuck-in-a-Book, and for that I apologise.

October -
I'm sure most of you have been in this position: you want to tell someone a funny quotation you've read, only you can't remember the book, author, page or even the quotation properly.

November -
If you're not singing Dolly Parton in your head right now, then either a)you're too young b)you're too sophisticated, or c)you're too sane.

December -
Another week of being rather lax with blog posting - as I scroll down the section in the column which categorises posts by months, I'm astonished that I managed 28 in October and May.

What a strange collection of month-openings... and many of 'em apologising for my reticence. And not much about books there! How accurate a cross-section of my logging this is, I leave up to you...

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