Monday, September 13, 2010

Book Blogger Appreciation Week!

spotted over at Shelf Love that it was Book Blogger Appreciation Week - I hear the cry that "Every week is book blogger appreciation week!" Well, yes, I'm sure you'll agree - we book bloggers are pretty fab people. Stylish, suave, and generally brilliant. (Did I ever tell you about the time I offered to carry a bunch of box lids for a woman with a pram, only to immediately drop them all on the floor? I couldn't work out whether pity or disdain showed more clearly in her eyes.)

But, that aside, it's nice to take a step back every now and then and applaud the work that people put into their blogs. So I'm going to be doing some of that this week (and maybe even finishing writing about some more of those novellas I read, you never know.)

To kick things off, please tell me about a book blog you don't think I'll know, but think I'll like. Obviously I know and love so many, but there must be a hundred times more that I don't know. So... let me know!

And (here's the clever bit) I'll be offering a free book to both the person who suggests the new-to-me blog I like best and the blogger they recommend! (But you can't recommend yourself, I'm afraid, and nab two prizes!!)

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