Sunday, October 2, 2011

Holy Crap!

Holy crap. We just got our first REQUEST! 

Someone actually survived our query? Someone not only survived but actually wants to READ OUR MANUSCRIPT?!? Wow. We're speechless. We really are.

Let me start at the beginning.

It had been a month or so since we last got our asses handed to us. Since then, we've basically thrown out the query and started over, deciding to go in a totally different direction, not to mention made some fairly major edits to the manuscript itself.

Now, every year in Toronto there's this festival called The Word on the Street. It's basically a big literary festival where authors, agents, and editors gather to do workshops, book signings, and all that kind of stuff.

So, finally ready to brave a fresh new round of rejections, we suit up and prepare to unleash our new, improved, Sharkified query into the world.

We came prepared this time.
In all honesty, we weren't really expecting anyone to actually like the damned thing. At best, we were hoping that someone would tell us no, but to explain why they hated it. Our expectations were low.

Ironically, we met him at a workshop called "No, No, a Thousand Times No!" He's an editor for a publishing house named Dancing Cat Books, and the talk was about all the mistakes first time authors keep making that gets them landed in the trash bin. We took a deep breath and prepared for a verbal smackdown of epic proportions.

So imagine our surprise when he actually liked it. And then he asked to see a Full.

Wait, what?
Yeah. We're still reeling from shock.

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