Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Author Query Service

A colleague of mine pointed out the recent increase in electronic queries sent in the same format. Our best guess is that there is a mass-emailing service available to authors that helps them generate queries for agents for a fee. I'd love to know more about the company (or companies) that is running this service, and how much they are charging authors.

Most agents I know do not respond well to these form electronic queries. They are completely impersonal and don't give us any sense of your writing style.

Along the same lines, I'd suggest that you be wary generally of any fee-charging writers' services. Most information about agents can be found for free online or in a bookstore, as I've previously noted. The only fee-charging websites I currently recommend are: Publishers Marketplace and Literary Marketplace.

I previously included Agent Query on this list, but it's been correctly pointed out to me that they do not charge a fee. It's a website you should absolutely check out.

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