Monday, December 29, 2008

Tagged! Rules for living

Sadly my laptop is misbehaving, refusing to connect to the Internet, and I'm currently on Our Vicar's Wife's laptop at the moment... I launched myself on the net to find a new laptop with one rule in my mind - "Don't get another computer from Dell." And so, minutes later, I had bought one from Dell. Oh well. Perhaps it will be better than the one I've had, which encountered all sorts of difficulties and problems. But the new one will have a nice green lid.

The wonderful Overdue has tagged me for a meme, one which has become rather malleable in transit. When it arrived at Overdue's door, it was a list of 10 things which aggrieve you. She said, and I agree, that a list of 10 rules for life was rather more in the spirit of the Christmas season. Do go and check out her list, as it made me smile.

Ok. My list of ten rules for life... well, I'm young, I can't think of rules for life. I'll give rules for a reading life instead.

1. You can never own enough books.
2. You can probably own enough copies of the same book. Three or four, perhaps.
3. Judge books by covers - it gets a whole industry to itself, after all.
4. Comfort reads have their place.
5. And that place is bed, bath, train, sofa...
6. Never leave the house without a book. And a spare book in case you finish the first one. And a second spare one in case you finish the first two.
7. Always read the book before you see the film.
8. Don't, I repeat DON'T turn down the corners of pages if I'm watching you. And don't even THINK about reaching for your biro.
9. Ten minutes with a novel is worth an hour with the television.
10. Have at least one much-loved book you read every year - it will always be a bright spot to look forward to, and become a dear friend.

That was rather a scramble, but might have struck a chord with some of us. I'm going to tag some people for this one, as I usually just say "anyone do it", but today I shall wield my power!

Up to you, of course, and I've warped the top 10 into whatever I want it to be - so, for the following people (and anyone else who wants to do it) make a top 10 of rules for life, rules for books, grievances, favourite woodland creatures... whatever you like!

Elaine at Random Jottings
Colin (aka The Carbon Copy)
Guy at Pursewarden
Colin at The Book Pirate
Kirsty at Other Stories

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