Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I'm off to Switzerland for the weekend with my housemates - all very exciting - so unless I'm very organised tomorrow, there won't be anything popping up chez Stuck-in-a-Book for a few days.

I don't know anything about Swiss literature. Either in Swiss or out of it - since I don't speak any languages but English, I'd have to rely on translations, but even then my mind draws a blank - any suggestions?

At the moment, just to keep you updated on my reading habits, I'm reading Civilization by Clive Bell (for university work) and Mrs. Tim of the Regiment by DE Stevenson, which I seem to have been reading for months - it's absolutely fantastic, I just haven't had opportunity to finish it. Also on the go is Try Anything Twice by Jan Struther (of Mrs. Miniver fame), a collection of articles and essays which is very amusing. Ruth (of Crafty People) gave it to me a couple of years ago. Thanks Ruth, these things work their way to the top of the tbr pile eventually!

Since I'll be out of the country for a few days, it would be lovely to have a list of suggestions to which to return - so I'd love to hear about anything Swiss (except the Family Robinson) and, failing that, any European novel you think I should read, so long as there's a translation. Scandinavian is my preference...

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