I finished reading another Persephone Books publication this week - Doreen by Barbara Noble - which Carole very kindly sent me, as a sort of reciprocal gift in BAFAB. Thanks so much Carole! Really good novel, as all of PB's books are, but I shan't say much about it now, as dovegreybooks@yahoogroups.co.uk are soon to embark on a group discussion about it, and I don't want to forestall myself. So I haven't started talking about Barbara Noble's book to give a review, this time - Doreen makes an appearance for a subtler reason.
For my birthday last November, a friend of the family (who happens to be a vicar's wife and mother of twins, but is not Our Vicar's Wife) gave me a notebook entitled 'Books I've Read, Books I Want To Read'. Well, this was rather a perfect little gift, I'm sure you'll agree. There are pages for every letter of the alphabet, which invite you to write the author, title, date completed, and compose a comment. I'm afraid I jettisoned the comment section straight away - I need all the space I can get to include all the books I've read, and, since I've kept a record since 2001, there were plenty to include. What I didn't realise is that, from 2001 until last week, I had read nothing by an author whose surname begins with N. I, Q, U, X, Y, and Z are similarly empty, but N is now no longer virgin territory - step forward Barbara Noble. I know for a fact that I've read E Nesbit, if no other N-ers, but Noble is the first to be entered into the book.
And so I'm going to follow the advice of a particularly unpleasant article I read about 'How To Make Money From Your Blog', and present a list.
Jane AUSTEN - Pride and Prejudice
Jane AUSTEN - Lady Susan
Lynne Reid BANKS - The L-Shaped Room
A.S. BYATT - The Matisse Stories
Lewis CARROLL - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Jackie CLUNE - Extreme Motherhood: The Triplet Diaries
E.M. DELAFIELD - The Provincial Lady Goes Further
Monica DICKENS - One Pair of Feet
Mary ESSEX - Tea Is So Intoxicating
George EGERTON - Keynotes
Helen FIELDING - Bridge Jones: Edge of Reason
E.M. FORSTER - A Room With A View
Gillian GILL - Agatha Christie: the Woman & Her Mysteries
Joyce GRENFELL & Katharine MOORE - An Invisible Friendship
Anne HART - Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot
Zoe HELLER - Notes on a Scandal
Tove JANSSON - The Summer Book
Jerome K. JEROME - Three Men In A Boat
Felicity KENDAL - White Cargo
Barbara KINGSOLVER - The Bean Trees
E.V. LUCAS - Mixed Vintage
John LYLY - The Woman in the Moone (sic...)
Christopher MILNE - The Path Through The Trees
Elizabeth MYERS - A Well Full of Leaves
Michael ONDAATJE - Anil's Ghost
Maggie O'FARRELL - The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox
David PELZER - A Child Called 'It'
Margaret PELLING - Work For Four Hands
J.K. ROWLING - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J.K. ROWLING - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Elizabeth D. SHAFER - Exploring Harry Potter
Jan STRUTHER - Mrs. Miniver
Ann THWAITE - A.A. Milne: His Life
Claire TOMALIN - Katherine Mansfield : A Secret Life
VOLTAIRE - Candide
P.G. WODEHOUSE - Quick Service
Leonard WOOLF - Hunting The Highbrow
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