Monday, January 14, 2008

May I Introduce...?

I'm doing this week's Booking Through Thursday rather late. Well, you could probably work that out from the day... Never mind, eh, let's just pretend I spent the past few days pondering the question.

  1. How did you come across your favorite author(s)? Recommended by a friend? Stumbled across at a bookstore? A book given to you as a gift?
  2. Was it love at first sight? Or did the love affair evolve over a long acquaintance?

Well, as Margaret po
ints out, this question involves the very tricky decision as to favourite authors. Since I shan't be compiling a proper list today, I'll just mention the ones which are undoutedly favourites, and any others which come into my head.

-Miss Hargreaves by Frank Baker - this is the one I yammer on and on about! See the 50 Books... Well, this was loaned to me by my piano teacher, after a chance conversation.

-The Diary of a Provincial Lady by EM Delafield - Though this is quite well known in the world of middlebrow interwar fiction, and still in print, I came at it in rather a roundabout way. Bought 1940's Modern Humour because it had a sketch by AA Milne in it - read the others, and read two by EM Delafield. Those exact two should be available through a link on the excellent EMD website but that address isn't currently working on my computer... Anyway, loved these sketches (actually from As Others Hear Us) and sought out other EMD things from our local library - step forward Provincial Lady.

-the non-Pooh works of AA Milne - saw a Winnie-the-Pooh cartoon early in 2001, and re-read the books. Then sought out Christopher Milne's The Enchanted Places, then AA Milne's Year In, Year Out, then his autobiog, then everything else...

-Persephone Books - found a Richmal Crompton novel in a local bookshop and, having loved William, thought I'd give it a go. Loved it, and read many. Later saw a newish looking copy of Family Roundabout at the library
, which led me to Persephone...

-Sometimes I just pick up a book more or less at random, and love it. Examples include The L-Shaped Room by Lynne Reid Banks; The Love Child by Edith Oliver...

-Most books I read are through some sort of connection. A LOT are recommends from dovegreybooks Yahoo Group (responsible for my penury). Some are recommended by parents or friends - though I haven't had a recommendation from Mum for a while. If you're reading this, Our Vicar's Wife, recommend me something!

And for 2) - yes, they were all favourites after the first read! I'm afraid I rarely re-read, and certainly not something I didn't enjoy much the first time.

Before I go, Nancy asked about the film Amazing Grace - I'll quote The Carbon Copy's blog from March 07, when he saw it: "
I went to see Amazing Grace last night, the new film based on the life of William Wilberforce (and there's no real excuse if you don't know who he is) and I was pretty impressed; not sure how close to the truth it was, but I enjoyed it - and was moved by it. Nice to see a strong(ish) Christian message coming through, and the idea that Wilberforce needed the love of a good woman before he could help abolish slavery is one that I like, even if it's almost certainly untrue. A worthwhile film."

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