Today we're moving onto Persephone Quarterlies - if I were feeling in a literary theory mood I'd describe them as institutional paratexts, but as it is I'll call them journally bookish things.
There are 32 PQs and, so far, four Persephone Biannuallies, since the books started coming out every six months instead of every three. Accompanying the new publications of Persephones, the first few pages are always concerned with the new titles - the authors' biography and some details about the books. But there is so much more to these. Elaine from RandomJottings very kindly gave me a present of all the past PQs - and so I've been able to read along with the very early PQs, which really make the reader feel they're part of the process.
I'm heading to bed, so can't think of anything more that I wanted to say about the PQs... except that they further demonstrate why Persephone are both so great and so addictive. They make readers feel even more involved in the company, and love the books as a collection. I can't think of any other publisher which strikes the chords of nostalgia and community in quite the same way.
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