Friday, June 4, 2010

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

Happy weekend, folks - my brother is staying, so hopefully lots of fun will be had. Tomorrow night I'm off to see The Real Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard, which I loved about a decade ago and am hoping to love once more. Colin, given the option of seeing this or going to a friend's house, revealed his culture-vulture nature and chose the latter. Twins, eh?

For those awaiting a round-up of The Vet's Daughter reviews, I think I'm going to wait 'til Monday, because there are one or two in the pipeline... instead, let's go for a book, a blog post, and a link.

1.) T
he book - isn't out yet, but I'm looking forward to it (and hoping maybe one will come for review... *puppy-dog eyes*) - one of the new Bloomsbury Group reprints, Mrs. Ames by E.F. Benson, as recommended by Elaine at Random Jottings. I like the new colours they've picked, and applaud anything and everything to do with this series. AND was chuffed to see myself quoted in their new catalogue...

2.) The blog post - is not quite new, but it took me a week to get over my jealousy... here is Naomi (aka Bloomsbury Bell) and her account of the Charleston Literary Festival. I'm not an especial fan of Carol Ann Duffy (indeed, I have read a total of one poem by her) but I am a fan of lawns and chairs and cake...

3.) The link(s) - courtesy of my online book group, who have pointed me in the direction of 50 Crime Writers To Read Before You Die (an odd stipulation... how many will we read after we die? Then again, I really hope there are books in Heaven) and a link about some very fancy books to be sold at Sotheby's. Thanks Sherry and Curzon!

Also, I made a map of Oxford bookshops for a friend who'll be visiting soon, which I thought I'd share with you all, in case you're ever here... Long-term readers of Stuck-in-a-Book will remember my Stuck-in-a-Book's Oxford photo tour in three parts (gosh, three years ago). I'm planning on doing another one at some point soon. But here's something to whet the appetite (it's very small, but hopefully readable if you click on it? Otherwise email me and I'll send you a copy):

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