Thanks for your suggestions on the previous post, do keep them coming - only one suggestion so far that is actually already in my links on this page, so you're doing well (!)
I'm afraid this week has not had much blogging time so far (I was power-reading Villette more or less every spare moment I got, so more on that another day.) As usual when time is scarce, I'm going to put forward a question for your delectation... (and, before that, a completely irrelevant piccie of some books I bought about a year ago... only one of which I've read in that time.)
I've asked about favourite blogs and blogs I might not know about, but I'm interested as to the blog you first read - where did you first find out about blogging and, if you keep your own blog, what made you start?
The first one blog I read was my brother's, but the first specifically bookish blog I read was Elaine's - Random Jottings. A few of us were in a book discussion email list, which has brought the world a dizzying number of bloggers old and new. After about a year, I decided to take a step into the blogging world myself...
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