My Reading... Your Reading
Sorry posts have been brief this week, will try and write some proper reviews soon - my reading this month has mostly been re-reading, as I have re-read some of the central novels for my research. And more books with titles like Unmarried But Happy and The Bachelor Woman and Her Problems - interesting books from the first half of the 20th century about 'surplus women'. In the name of research, but I can't help enjoying reading those lovely old hardbacks, whatever might be inside them.
But I have also been reading for book group - and I thought I'd confirm to you all that (as a few of you guessed) A Confederacy of Dunces is the book I'm currently reading (as well as Great Expectations, Wise Children, The Element of Lavishness, A Reader on Reading, Singled Out, A Town in Bloom... yes, I do multitask when it comes to reading!)
Will report back on Confederacy of Dunces as soon as I can, since it'll be due back at the library soon. Have a lovely Friday - I'm off to London to see some friends, and now just have to decide which to take of the seven books I'm reading...
So, to fill the gap where my inspiration is not (and because it's always a fascinating question) - what are you reading at the moment?
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