Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tokyo Heist by Diana Renn –ESSENTIAL

Renn, Diana Tokyo Heist 384 pgs. Viking Juvenile, 2012. $13.61.  (Rating: Violence PG, Language PG (5 borderline swears –like damn), Sexual PG)
Violet is a normal looking spunky artistic 16 year old. Just when she is feeling sort of abandoned by her friends for the summer, she ends up smack in the middle of an art heist mystery. Into the mix goes a trip to Tokyo, her best friend, the famous gangster of Japan called the Yakuza, and of course some danger.
This was an excellent read. Violet is way into graphic novels and has a unique world perspective tied directly into her art. Very fresh and interesting. The story is creative, fast-paced, and multifaceted. Students will be intrigued by the danger and the art, but get an earful of cultural information and some fantastic lessons about friendship and relating to a parent. The cover will be a draw for students as well.
MS, HS –ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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