Monday, January 26, 2009

Flags and Herbs

Two things, utterly unrelated.

First, I love coriander. Apparently this is called something else in the US (quick research: cilantro). I've always known I liked carrot and coriander soup, but assumed it was the carrot... now I've discovered it was the other ingredient, I've been putting it with absolutely everything except my breakfast cereal. Yet to find anything it doesn't go with...

Secondly, and more relevantly to this blog, I bought Put Out More Flags by Evelyn Waugh. I haven't read any Waugh, but saw this mentioned recently - perhaps in Cyril Connolly's Enemies of Promise - and loved the title so much that I had to get the first cheap copy I could find. It's set in the Second World War, and I don't actually know what it's about other than that, but I love the idea that the title is a catch-all solution to war efforts - if in doubt, put out more flags. I can imagine W.I.s and Church Fayres putting this into practice throughout the land.

(My copy is actually a Book Club ed. from 1943, the year after publication. I've borrowed this picture from this blog.)

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