Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Exciting news!

If starting a new job weren't enough exciting news, I have more!  Some of you may have seen it on Twitter and Facebook, but I haven't mentioned it here yet.

I shall be appearing, with Elaine from Random Jottings, at the Felixstowe Book Festival 15-16 June 2013!

We'll be nattering about book blogging - how we got involved, what it entails, anecdotes etc.  Not entirely sure what we're saying, but I imagine it'll be fairly organic.  Let's face it, when Elaine and I get talking, we're not worried that there will be long periods of silence.  Hopefully the audience will be able to get a word in, for a Q&A!

If you live remotely near Suffolk, it would be lovely if you could come!  Obviously we're not the only event - the website is here, so have a browse through.  I'd love to meet SiaB readers, so do come along and introduce yourselves.  For more info, either see that website, or read what Elaine had to say about it all.

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