Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Literary Love

Last week Rachel Donadio wrote about literary dealbreakers - when someone either misses a literary reference or makes one that is so misguided as to make clear that there is no potential for a relationship with that person. I thought it was a fascinating article, and so I embarked on a bit of introspection to see if it might apply to me and my relationships. It turns out it does, at least partially.

I do think that not reading is a character flaw. But in contrast to many of those Ms. Donadio interviewed in her article, in most cases I don't really care what people read. My only prejudice is that I have some trepidation about developing friendships with people who read stuff like Proust on the beach. In my opinion it means they don't know how to relax.

What do you think of literary dealbreakers?

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