Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Quiz: Round Two

Though I'm writing all these posts on Tuesday afternoon, I'm going to assume that you all did really well on the picture round yesterday - so give yourselves a hearty pat on the back.

Tonight is a round which is harder to describe, but much easier for me to copy and paste into blogger. These are all characters who are better known by the titles of the books in which they appear. I think I'd better give an example - if the character were 'Mary Boleyn' then the answer would be 'The Other Boleyn Girl'. Here goes... (same idea as yesterday - have a go in the comments, but make sure you don't read the comments first if you want to have a go!) (Oh, and Thomas family - don't cheat!)

1.) Oliver Mellors
2.) Quasimodo
3.) Bilbo Baggins
4.) Clare Abshire
5.) Rachel Ashley
6.) Sir Robert Chiltern
7.) Michael Henchard
8.) Anne Catherick
9.) Liesel Meminger
10.) Cedric Errol

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