Monday, April 12, 2010


I don't usually do these sorts of blog posts, worrying that they'll turn into the stereotype of blogging which I never actually see in book blog circles, but which hover on the horizon of my mind like a cautionary tale (y'know, the 'why does nobody sit next to me on the bus?' type blogs)... but I've seen quite a few posts about blogging recently, like Eva's and Simon S's and I thought maybe you'd indulge me, just one time...

Eva started off her (very lovely and affirming) post by mentioning that quite a few bloggers have decided to stop blogging of late. I hadn't actually noticed this, perhaps because none of my favourite bloggers *have* decided to do this, but I'm sad to hear it. It's a funny old world, this blogosphere, and I certainly went through a stage where I couldn't really think of anything to write, and did it partly out of obligation... but that was a long time ago now, and thankfully I'm enjoying it as much as ever now! I think I'm enjoying it mostly because I've realised there is no pressure for me to make my blog anything other than what I feel like it being. I don't have to review all the latest books, I don't have to accept all the review copies that I'm offered, I don't have to post everyday if I'm too sleepy - and also I can write about funny little books that nobody else will know about, or even want to know about, because *starts singing tunelessly* "it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to!" No, wait, that's the wrong message...

I suppose every blogger has moments of thinking 'why is that blog more popular than mine?' or 'why did I get no comments on that post?' - it's just a side-effect of putting yourself out on a stage of any variety, and waiting to see what people's response is. I happen to think that the people who read this blog are the nicest people in the whole wide world, so I've been very fortunate in that respect - it's only occasional that I try to look at my blog with an objective eye, and wonder... 'is it looking a bit tired?' or 'Am I the only person who hasn't moved to Wordpress?!' I try and change things around every now and then, but let's face it... I'm old!

Yes, my third birthday party seems to be akin to a 80th in terms of blogging. I try to keep up, but my joints just don't work like they used to... just kidding, of course, but I do feel a bit of an old-timer around the blogosphere now. Which is lovely in one way, but rather odd in another. I see all these wonderful blogs start up, make those hesitant first posts, then find their voice, and then get dozens of comments on all their posts and write the most wonderful reviews - aren't I sounding more and more like a great-grandparent every moment?

I'm not even sure where this blog post is heading, and I'm sure it isn't coherent. I suppose I want to say how much I enjoy blogging, how many wonderful people I've met (either in person or virtually), how many wonderful books I've found out about, and how great in general the experience has been. And is continuing to be, don't worry, I'm not stopping! But I also wanted to see if other people find the whole thing a little odd sometimes, and a little self-exposing... bloggers are often shy people, and sometimes it does feel out of character to put oneself 'out there' for anyone to read, and then wait to see who *does* read it...

Someone asked me at the Sceptre event whether I was 'ambitious' for my blog. And my instinctive answer was a definite 'no'. I don't want it to be my whole life, I don't even want it to dictate my whole reading life - I've found my level, my niche, my lovely readership and I'm happy to stay where I am. But someone else there also said that it must be a lonely experience - and it really is the opposite of that. I've met more like-minded people through blogging than I could ever have imagined, and hopefully you're like-minded enough not to mind this sort of splurgy-post... promise it won't happen again! But I would be interested to hear your feedback on any or all of it, if you can make head or tail of what I've been trying to say...

Yes, this shouldn't just be a ramble. I'd love to know:
  • Your experiences with blogging - do you go through peaks and troughs of enthusiasm?
  • Does the stuff I've written strike a chord?
  • Do you secretly wonder why your stats fluctuate, and what's affecting them??
  • More positively - what's your favourite thing about blogging?
  • And... what's your favourite woodland creature ;-)

Take care, folks, and thanks again for making the blogging experience so great - often quite unexpected and surreal, but definitely great.

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