Friday, April 16, 2010

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

I can't believe it's the weekend already - which probably is a sentiment which could only be expressed by a student. It also marks a week since my library book was due back... oh dear. And I've only just started it. The money I'm saving on not buying books has gone straight to paying fines for borrowing books...

It's been a little while, but I'm sure you all remember the
drill with the Weekend Miscellany. We keep it simple it here - one from each shelf, please. Here we go...

1.) The blog post - Is Simon S's wonderfully enthused review of Evelyn Waugh's The Loved One, which has definitely moved it a couple hundred places in my tbr mountain. I've read a couple Waughs before, and will again (you could say this is my inter-Waugh period, a-ha-ha-clunk).

2.) The book - came through the door yesterday, and is Tarzan and the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I was amused to see this back at the fore of Oxford University Press' marketing - I walked past their shop on the high street yesterday, and there are dozens of copies in the window, I wish I'd had my camera with me. Obviously I've heard of Tarzan, but my main experience with him of late has been QD Leavis' dismissal in her rather snobbish and wholly fascinating Fiction and the Reading Public (from 1932) that ‘to the highbrow public “Ethel M. Dell” or “Tarzan” should be convenient symbols, drawn from hearsay rather than first-hand knowledge’. Ouch! I'm looking forward to getting my first-hand knowledge, thanks Queenie, love.

3.) The link - is sort of cheating, because it's to a blog. But it's a whole blog, rather than an individual blog post, because the whole thing is just so wonderful. And the blog in question? I think I've mentioned it before, but was reminded of it this week on Facebook (thanks Meg!) It's called Colour Me Katie. Well, in actual fact it's the American equivalent of that, but I can't bring myself to take the 'u' out of 'Colour' - sorry! Clicking here will take you to it. There are no books involved, for once - Katie is a freelance photographer and street artist, and basically does exciting little projects involving lots of colour! She's chalked footprints down the street, painted Pac Man characters around walls, spontaneously put up paper balloons... it's all so lovely and joyful and definitely colourful. I'm getting a bit of life-envy here... Oh, AND she has a cat. Go and become happier!

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