Thursday, November 3, 2011

Not Creepy At All...

This week we're participating in Julianna Brandt's Warm Fuzzies Blogfest.

Here's the gist:

"Instead of posting something intimate about our writing, post a picture or piece of music that describes your WIP. What do you look to when you write? What inspires you? How else do you use your creativity? Music? Pictures? Art?"

Hm...a picture that describes our WIP? I know just the thing.

There. Not creepy at all.

And no, our WIP doesn't involve zombies, or vampires, or any of that stuff. Though, the protagonist does start off dead, so there's that. What? We like our stories like we like our coffee: dark and weird.

As for what inspires us -- Cracked, Something Awful, Hyperbole and a Half, and anything else that makes us laugh. Life is short. We like spending most of it giggling like idiots.

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