Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Aesop's Secret by Claudia White –NO

White, Claudia Aesop's Secret 128 pgs. MP Publishing, 2013. $11.99  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG13.
When Melinda discovers she can turn into any animal, she loves it! Turns out it’s a family trait that has developed early for her, but not her brother. Felix doesn't want it anyway and he is just annoyed by Melinda and is glad to go out of country to school. When he has some health problems and the family comes to help, things start to go wrong. Turns out that someone knows about them, and doesn't like their powers, not one bit.
To start out with the cover is pretty dark and dreary, depressing even. Second the content is hard to read, full of death threats, torture, and fear. Thirdly, this book gave me a nightmare. No joking. Wouldn't put this in my school library, ever. 

EL –NO Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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