Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Burning Blue by Paul Griffin - OPTIONAL

Griffin, Paul Burning Blue, 291 pgs. Dial Books, 2012.  $17.99  Content: Language: R (46 swears; 1 F); Mature content: R (sexual references);  Violence: PG-13.  

Nicole is the most beautiful girl at school, so when someone attacks her at school and burns her face with acid it is mortifying to the community at large.  Jay is a hacker who has epileptic seizures, one particularly bad seizure in front of the whole school that put him as an outcast.  Jay thinks that he can figure out who burned Nicole by hacking through suspects and Nicole and Jay find that they have more in common that they first thought.  

This book is an interesting look at how people use beauty.  The mystery has good twists and turns that make it hard to put down in an attempt to figure out why Nicole was burned.  The reason the mature content is rated R is talk of oral sex.  HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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