Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Diamonds and Deceit by Leila Rasheed - OPTIONAL

Rasheed, Leila Diamonds and Deceit (at Somerton), 432 p. Disney, 2014.  Mature Content: PG (liaisons, without being descriptive, one intimation of a homosexual relationship that is also not descriptive); Language: G; Violence: G.  

Ruby used to be his servant, but now she is the adopted (formerly bastard) daughter of Lord Westlake.  Moving from downstairs to nobility is not easy; the gentry can be more cutting and malicious than Ruby ever thought.  As she navigates the social morass of Pre World War I England, affairs of the heart seek to trip up not only Ruby, but everyone around her. 

For your teen girls who adore the Luxe series, Rasheed has also written a scandalous tale of romance.  Akin to a trashy romance novel, without the graphic-ness of that genre, Rasheed includes all of the glitter this last glittering moment before war descended to break the class barriers.  It isn’t always easy to keep the many plotlines and characters straight, but Ruby and her half-sister Ava are the mainstays here.  

HS – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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