Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Growing Up Muslim by Sumbul Ali-Karamali - ADVISABLE

Ali-Karamali, Sumbul Growing Up Muslim, 213 pgs. Delacorte Press, 2012. $16.99 Language: G, (0 swears, 0 “f”): Mature Content; G, Violence; G;  

This book is simply and delightfully written. It was so fascinating to learn more about the beliefs, customs, and practices of the Muslim people. The author lives in Southern California and often found her friends asking her questions about her beliefs. This comprehensive books gives simple explanations of her life: What is Ramadan? Why do they dress differently? What do Muslims eat? Why do they pray several times a day? What holidays do they celebrate? She even includes some of her favorite recipes. They share a common story with their Christian and Jewish friends. The story of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac. The mains difference is that the boy to be sacrificed is Ismail. They commemorate his sacrifice in a holiday call Eid. Their traditions are very inspiring and full of charity, abundance, and love. This book encourages tolerance and acceptance..  

EL, MS, HS, – ADVISABLE. Emilee, Teacher Librarian

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