Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Batshit Insane

This week, we're participating in Laura's "Favorite Character Blogfest". It's runs from Jan 23 -25 and if you haven't checked out Laura's site, go there NOW!!! She's awesome.

For the blogfest, we need to pick a favorite character we've created and explain why we love her. Our character is named Six and we picked her because she's a mixture between blood-red lipstick and batshit insane. Oh, and she's also Death. That part's kind of important.

We hope you like her! Looking forward to reading all of your entries.


Demetri was doing that sad little puppy dog impression he had grown so fond of ever since I had walked into his dull little life. Shoulders hunched, hands clasped behind his back, he stared grimly into the sunset. As always, he was right on time, and at the exact spot at Happy Landings Bluff that I had told him to meet me. But he still hadn’t learned to always be aware of his surroundings like I had taught him. Oh well. He’d learn soon enough.

God, if I had a Mom, I bet she’d be all like, “Why do you always have to bring sadness into everyone’s lives?” and I’d retort, “Because I’m Death, Mom! This is what I do!” Oh, and then I bet she’d say “Why can’t you go out and get a regular job, like everyone else? All you do is make everyone miserable!” and I’d scream “Making people miserable is all I know, cause I learned how to do it from you!”

Briefly, the tiny speck of my brain that still pretended to care what other people thought wondered how crazy I must seem to be constantly arguing with my imaginary mother. I didn’t even have a mother! Well, not in the traditional sense, anyway.

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