Sunday, January 8, 2012

Technology Withdrawal: The Horror, The Horror

We have this friend who, for the purposes of this blog, we'll call "Yang". Because that is his name.

Yang likes technology. A lot. At any given moment, he's usually having three conversations at once. Another weird thing about Yang: he likes camping. On the surface, you wouldn't expect someone who's so into technology to be into nature as well, but in all fairness I'm not sure what he does would qualify as "roughing it" to most people. He brings a freaking XBOX with him for Chrissakes.

One fateful camping trip, he decided to go wandering aimlessly off into the forest, surpremely confident that his brand-spanking-new iPhone would be able to guide him home. And for a while, it worked!

And didn't.

Yeah. Apparently cell phone coverage isn't that great in the middle of nowhere.

Now, to a normal, well-adjusted person, this would be no big deal, right? Just retrace your steps, right? But not for Yang. For Yang, this was literally the first time he had been disconnected from technology for more than a second. And it wasn't going to be pretty.

He started to see things. Scary things. Things that weren't really there. And then he quickly went insane.

Now, naturally, him being gone was immediately noticed by his friends and they went out searching for him. And by that, I mean they just drank all his beer and fell asleep.

But then, when the morning rolled around, and after breakfast, and after just one little game of Halo, one of them suggested that maybe, just maybe, they should try to find their missing and probably dead friend. But they didn't have to look in the forest. They didn't have to look anywhere.

Because somehow, in his madness, Yang had conquered the forest.

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