Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Some photos from my week...

I don't take that many photos nowadays - in 2011 I took a photo everyday, and it was a really fun way to document the year, but I think maybe I reached saturation point. Still, I should take more... and in the spirit of that, here are a few I've taken on a couple of recent occasions:

Although I'm still working the odd Saturday at the Bodleian, my job at OUP means that I've now finished my regular evening shifts (and casual daytime hours) there - quite a moving goodbye to people I've worked with, on and off, for five and a half years.  Most Reader Services staff signed a very jolly card, and Lovely Verity got me a Radcliffe Camera Goodbye Cake - thanks Verity!

My friend Lucy and I were in London on Monday night for the launch of The Real Mrs. Miniver by Ysenda Maxtone Graham at Slightly Foxed. It was good fun, and the book looks absolutely stunning - my favourite colour, for starters. (These photos were taken on my 'phone, hence their lack of high quality.)

I should explain... this photo of Lucy is something of an in-joke, since I've been encouraging her for years to write a review for SiaB (since she knows loads about modern literature) and she demurs - so I said she could just hold and book and give a thumbs up. And now she has!

I must take more photos... it's fun sharing recent events in my life this way!

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